Friday, 15 November 2013

High Maintenance!

So my boyfriend's family's dog Kyda is pretty ridiculous. I say all of this with a smile and my face and love for the doggie. She is allergic to wheat so she needs special food, she's a 'vegetarian' because every time she eats anything other than fruits or veggies she gets crystals in her pee which eventually turn into kidney stones. She's already had kidney stones once and it was over a thousand bucks to fix.

She's cute and I love her and I especially love how she wears little booties in the winter. I never realized how high maintenance Kyda is until I got a dog myself. I mean my dog is high maintenance but he's an affordable and easy kind of high maintenance. He's high maintenance in the way that he goes out and cuts himself up constantly so they need to be wrapped up. Kyda is the kind of high maintenance where you need to spend more than normal and make sure she's eating everything properly. 

I feel bad for the poor doggie and I do love her but all of these internal problems come from a tiny little thing. I can't help but giggle a little. Kyda is now 10 so I don't blame her for not being playful, but i'm so used to putting my face right in Diesel's and being up in his business and she doesn't like that. But just like every other dog, Kyda puts smiles on people's faces and I know her mama would be crushed if she didn't have her.

 Kyda after a fresh haircut.
Diesel decided to burry a bone in the gravel under the snowmobile this morning...

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