Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Poor Pups

Well,  Diesel is recovering from his traumatic window leap. He still has a few raw wounds but he's back to himself chasing rabbits and squirrels.

Anyways, this week we got assigned to do an editorial on something that we had a strong opinion about and I chose to do mine on dog culls in some of the northern Canadian reserves. for anyone who doesn't know, dog culls are when people on the reserves go around and shoot as many dogs as they can.

The dogs are either dead instantly or left to suffer and it breaks my heart, especially because Diesel has shown me how affectionate and gentle some of these reserve dogs can be. A friend of mine got her dog from Norway House, a reserve north of Lake Winnipeg, not too long ago. The dog has scarred over holes in her thigh from being shot with a shotgun. Another loving, beautiful dog that was one of the ones lucky enough to be saved by someone.

If anyone out there is thinking of adding a doggy to their family anytime soon, please consider a rescue dog. There are many shelters in every city that have dogs of all ages and all kinds. This way, you can get a dog and feel awesome about it! If the dogs at the shelters are like Diesel, which I'm sure they are, you wont regret it one bit.

 Unless the dog jumps out your window and almost gives you a heart attack.

This poor dog is Trooper. He was shot in the face and found lying in a yard for days. Unfortunately his injuries were too severe and he died. Trooper inspired a nation-wide petition and will always be a reminder of what these dogs go through whether they're dangerous or not. Photo from the CBC website.

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