Thursday, 24 October 2013

Good Dogs

Today at the dinner table, my family and I discussed dogs that have reputations to be vicious. (ShepherdsRottweilers, Pitbulls, Mastiffs, Dobermans) you get the picture. We started to discuss how these dogs get a reputation that's undeserved. Considering I have a dog that has more than one of these 'bad dog' types in him, I completely disagree.

When I ask someone who has never met Diesel if he can come with me to their place, they always ask what kind of dog he is. I always say a Rottie Shepherd something and they always look at my like I'm nuts. I always have to assure them he isn't a crazy vicious machine and when they meet him they're blown away.

Although it's hard not to be intimidated by some of these dogs because they're brutes, it's not the dogs that are vicious, it's the owners. The dogs shouldn't get the reputation the owners should. My friend has a pure bred Rottweiler named Cleo and she is the biggest baby I have every met. Aside from Diesel.
Although yes, if some of these dogs got a hold of a little Chihuahua it wouldn't be good at all, but the fact is, most of them don't want to get a hold of little dogs. All they want to do is be lap dogs.

Those little dogs are the crazy ones! Thinking they run the show, they're hilarious. Diesel recently ran away from two Yorkies on our walk. Ridiculous. SO next time you see a dog that you think would kill you or your dog, give the doggie a chance. It's probably the best cuddle buddy ever.
 This is Cleo. The big baby.

And here is your weekly dose of Diesel.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Best Dog Stuff Ever

I've discovered this website called Bark Post and it is absolutely fantastic! Maybe it's well known to many but today was the first time i stumbled upon it.

It has great tips for dogs owners, he cutest and funniest pictures and so much awesome stuff. I looked at some of the pictures and my heart melted. If you are a dog lover you NEED to visit this website. You won't be let down.

I also stumbled upon an adorable story when I was doing my daily dog browse. This story is from the end of September and it's about a man in LA who discovered the stray dog he had been feeding for the past months on the street view of google maps. The article is called Google Maps Inspires Dog Rescue
and I highly recommend everyone to read it.

It made me smile and made me glad that people all over the world no matter your gender, age, or religion, we can all find a common interest in our doggies.
And here is my weekly doggie picture. What a stinker.

Friday, 11 October 2013

You're Never too Furry to Dress Up!

So I would like to dress Diesel up for Halloween because i've never had a dog to dress up ridiculously. My family thinks I'm cruel, but the way i look at it, it's the exact same as when parents dress their little kids up in the tackiest outfits ever for Halloween. The kids have no control over it. So Diesel is going to be my Halloween child.

And on that note, I want to know where i can buy a sweater for a big dog. I want to get him a wardrobe for every holiday ever. Maybe next Valentine's Day i'll get him a cute little diaper and put a bow and arrow on his back and he can be cupid.

My boyfriend's mom has a little set of bells for around their Shih Tzu's neck and legs. Every time they put them on her she stands there, totally embarrassed and won't move.

So for Halloween I'm thinking maybe we'll dress Diesel up as a truck, since he's a diesel.. It only makes sense. Also, if he lets me put socks on him to prevent him from licking his paw, he's going to love dressing up! Anything that get's him more attention, count him in.

I found this web page that has the most ridiculous dogs and other pets dressed up. Guaranteed to make you smile.

This is just a sample..

Friday, 4 October 2013

Vet Bills...

So ever since Diesel jumped out the window, he has had some problems. His nail fell out of his foot a few weeks ago and we figured it would just heal regularly. Also, he's developed a swollen reddish/purple bump on his lip.

The bump has started getting bigger and we've been putting Polysporin on it but I don't think it's getting better. As for his nail, he stopped putting weight on the foot and he's bleeding everyday.

Today Diesel stopped putting weight on his foot so he needs to go to the vet tomorrow. Fortunately, my parents are able to help out with the vet bills but if I was on my own I would never be able to afford it.
I don't understand why vet's prices need to be so skyrocketed when everyone has a high demand for them. Majority of people in the world have either a cat or dog or some kind of animal which eventually need to go to the vet.

I understand procedures and medications are expensive but why is it fair that if we can't afford the vet that these animals need to either suffer or be put down? It's not fair. I love my doggie more than anything and we shouldn't have to decide if we can afford to get them better or even take them for a check-up. It should just be more affordable for everyone.